Who Invented Sex Dolls

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Who Invented Sex Dolls - A History of Sex Dolls - Did hitler Invent Sex Dolls for His TroopsWelcome to our article about who invented sex dolls. Whether you are here wondering if Hitler invented sex dolls for his troops or just because you are curious about the history of these sex toys you are in the right place

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Who Invented Sex Dolls

Sex dolls, or life-sized figurines that are used as sexual partners, have a long and varied history dating back to ancient civilizations. These dolls have taken many forms over the centuries, ranging from crude straw and clay figurines to more sophisticated, realistic dolls made of materials such as silicone and TPE (thermoplastic elastomer).

In this article, we will explore the history of sex dolls, delving into the evolution of these controversial and often misunderstood objects, and examining the role they have played in different cultures and societies throughout the ages. We will also discuss the various individuals and companies that have been involved in the development of sex dolls over the years, and the debates and controversies that have surrounded their use.

Whether you are a collector, a user, or simply someone with an interest in the history of sexuality and human relationships, this article will provide a fascinating look at the world of sex dolls and the people who have created them. So, let’s dive in and explore the fascinating history of sex dolls!


The concept of sex dolls, or life-sized figurines that are used as sexual partners, has a long and varied history dating back to ancient civilizations. These dolls have taken many forms over the centuries, ranging from crude straw and clay figurines to more sophisticated, realistic dolls made of materials such as silicone and TPE (thermoplastic elastomer). In this article, we will delve into the history of sex dolls, exploring their evolution from their early beginnings to the high-tech, sophisticated products that are available today.

Did Hitler Invent Sex Dolls:

Rumors that Adolf Hitler invented sex dolls for his troops are not true. While it is true that sex dolls have been used throughout history as companions for people who are isolated or unable to form human relationships, there is no evidence to suggest that Hitler had any involvement in the creation or distribution of these dolls.

In fact, Hitler and the Nazi regime were known for their strong opposition to any form of sexuality that deviated from their own narrow definition of “normal,” and they actively suppressed LGBT+ communities and other marginalized groups. It is unlikely that they would have supported the use of sex dolls or any other form of non-traditional sexuality.

The rumor that Hitler invented sex dolls for his troops may have originated as a form of propaganda designed to smear the Nazi leader and his regime. Alternatively, it may be the result of confusion or misinformation about the history of sex dolls or about the attitudes and policies of the Nazi party.

Regardless of the origins of this rumor, it is important to fact-check and verify information before sharing it, as misinformation can have serious consequences and can contribute to the spread of myths and falsehoods.

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Early History of Sex Dolls:

One of the earliest known makers of sex dolls was a Dutch sailor named Cornelius J. Troostwijk, who created a life-sized doll in the early 18th century. The doll, which was made of leather and had a wooden frame, was designed to be a companion for sailors who were away at sea for extended periods of time.

Another early inventor of sex dolls was an Italian scientist named Pygmalion, who, according to Greek mythology, created a statue of a woman so beautiful that he fell in love with it. This myth was later retold in the play “Pygmalion” by George Bernard Shaw, which inspired the musical “My Fair Lady.” The story of Pygmalion has endured throughout the ages and continues to be a popular tale, with its themes of love, longing, and the power of art resonating with audiences around the world.

20th Century Developments:

In the 20th century, a number of companies began producing sex dolls for commercial sale. One of the first and most well-known of these companies was Mattel, which released a line of inflatable love dolls in the 1960s. These dolls, which were marketed as “Dutch Wives,” were made of rubber and were designed to be blown up like a balloon. While these inflatable dolls were popular at the time, they were not very durable and were prone to punctures and leaks.

Other early manufacturers of sex dolls included a Japanese company called Orient Industry, which began producing silicone sex dolls in the 1970s. These dolls, which were more realistic and durable than inflatable dolls, quickly gained popularity and remain a popular choice for collectors and users today. The use of silicone allowed for the creation of more realistic and lifelike dolls, with skin that felt more like human skin and a greater range of movement.

In the 1980s and 1990s, a number of companies in the United States and Europe began producing sex dolls made of high-quality silicone or TPE (thermoplastic elastomer). These dolls, which were often designed to look and feel like real people, became increasingly popular and spawned a thriving subculture of collectors and users. The use of these materials allowed for the creation of even more realistic and lifelike dolls, with anatomically correct features and a wide range of skin tones and hairstyles.

Contemporary Sex Dolls:

Today, sex dolls are made by a number of companies around the world and are available in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and styles. Some dolls are designed to be life-sized companions, while others are miniature dolls that are intended for use as sex toys. In recent years, the development of advanced robotics and AI technology has led to the creation of sex dolls that are capable of moving and interacting with users in a more realistic way. These high-tech dolls often feature sensors and motors that allow them to move their limbs and heads, as well as to speak and respond to touch.

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Controversy Surrounding Sex Dolls:

The use of sex dolls has long been a controversial topic, with some people viewing them as a form of objectification or exploitation. Critics argue that sex dolls objectify and dehumanize women, reducing them to mere objects for the pleasure of men. Others argue that the use of sex dolls reinforces harmful gender stereotypes and contributes to a culture of misogyny and patriarchy.

However, supporters of sex dolls argue that they can provide a safe and healthy outlet for people’s sexual desires and can even help to reduce the demand for human trafficking and prostitution. Some proponents argue that sex dolls offer a way for people to explore their sexuality without causing harm to others, and that they can be a useful tool for people who are unable to form human relationships due to disability, social anxiety, or other factors.


In conclusion, the history of sex dolls is a long and complex one, stretching back to ancient civilizations. While the modern sex doll was first developed in the 20th century, it has continued to evolve and has become an increasingly popular and controversial topic in today’s society. While there are valid arguments on both sides of the debate, it is clear that the use of sex dolls raises important questions about sexuality, gender roles, and the objectification of the human body.

Check out an awesome range of sex dolls by clicking here.

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